Pell Center Announces New Adjunct Fellows
NEWPORT, R.I. — The Pell Center Fellows program continues to grow with its addition of three new adjunct fellows. Ken Bell, Sean Kern, and Angela Siefer will be joining a cohort of scholars and industry professionals whose areas of expertise range from environmental policy and education to international affairs and American political thought.
Ken Bell is a cybersecurity engineer at Raytheon, as well an adjunct professor at Salve Regina University. Prior to joining, Raytheon, Ken completed a twenty-year career in law enforcement with the Rhode Island State Police, where he specialized in High Tech Crime Investigations and Computer/Network forensics.
Sean Kern, CISSP, has over 20 years of cybersecurity leadership and management experience and recently was on the faculty of the National Defense University’s Information Resources Management College where he taught courses on cybersecurity, cyber intelligence, and cyber conflict. His current research focuses on developing and enacting strategies to professionalize the national cybersecurity workforce. Kern also contributes as a member of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance Cyber Intelligence Task Force and as a Roles and Controls panel member at the Council on Cybersecurity.
Angela Siefer is a digital inclusion strategist based in Columbus, OH who has worked as Executive Director of the Ohio Community Computing Network. Ms. Siefer has also been involved with the Broadband Technology Opportunity Program of the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) through participating in creation of two successful Sustainable Broadband Adoption (SBA) grants, implementation work on OneCommunity’s SBA grant (Connect Your Community) and serving as an NTIA consultant researching and writing best practices for the NTIA Broadband Adoption Toolkit.
“Ken, Sean, and Angela each bring unique expertise to the Pell Center team and strengthen our ability to stay in front of emerging issues,” says James Ludes, the executive director of the Pell Center. “We’re delighted to work with them.”
To read the new adjunct fellows’ full bios, please visit the Pell Center website.