Nuala Pell Leadership Fellows Reflect on D.C.

Saturday came and went in the blink of an eye as the Nuala Pell Leadership Fellows checked out of the hotel and boarded a plane bound for Providence. We were all mentally exhausted – I believe that in some way, shape, or form, this trip challenged all of us to re-evaluate our assumptions and conceptions about what leadership is, what it looks like, and how we can all improve our own abilities as leaders. The following quotes are from members of the Nuala Pell Leadership Program as they reflect on their experience:D.C. Trip Pull Quote

“The ambassador of Liechtenstein made a huge impact on my perception of leadership. She emphasized the importance of embracing our own style of leadership rather than imitating someone else’s. I learned that leadership should be natural and genuine.” – Devin Smith

“My favorite part of the trip was meeting the Ambassador of Liechtenstein, Claudia Fritsche. She is an inspiring lady and I admire her confidence and grace. I also believe that the best advice we were given came from her, to always be true to yourself.  It was wonderful to have the opportunity to meet so many different leaders. They each had something unique to say, and we were able to see how effective leadership skills can be applied in so many different areas.” – Kathryn Clancy

“My favorite part of the trip was the exposure to such a wide range of leaders, from senators, representatives, and ambassadors to leaders such as Iain Guest of the Advocacy Project. He inspired me most because of his sincere commitment to helping people on the most personal level possible.” – Amanda Reis

“One reoccurring theme that really resonated with me throughout this trip is that leadership should not be defined by the amount of power you hold, but by the amount you can help others achieve a common goal. It doesn’t matter if you’re a country’s ambassador or a student working on a group project, leadership skills are valuable to everyone in almost any situation you can think of.” – Alexis Jankowski

“The DC trip was a remarkable experience, which greatly expanded my insight into what a leader encompasses. Meeting the ambassador to Liechtenstein and people from diverse positions provided me with an opportunity to learn different forms of leadership. I am extremely grateful that so many people took the time to make the trip so rewarding.” – Brittany Fox

We were exposed to some of the most inspirational people who presented very diverse definitions of leadership as well as the struggles that leaders face. They identified that cooperation, being true to yourself, confidence, a clear goal, a willingness to sacrifice for the good of others, commitment, and listening are all qualities of a good leader. A good leader does not need to be popular or celebrated, a good leader can just as easily be a quiet supporter who sets a standard for others to follow. What is a leader? Someone who helps others to succeed, someone who helps make a difference. – Kay Scanlan, Nuala Pell Leadership Fellow


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