Registration Open for the Forum at Newport 2024

A Conference on the Geostrategic and National Security Challenges and Opportunities Posed by Climate Change

National security leaders have long recognized that the environment plays a major role in complex scenarios.  Decreased rainfall can lead to drought, for example, which, in turn, can lead to hunger and even famine.  When the right mix of triggers is present, these forces can lead to political violence, civil war, and international conflict.  In a remarkable half-day conference organized by the Pell Center at Salve Regina University and the U.S. Naval War College, a dynamic array of public leaders, scholars, and experts will unpack the direct connection between changes in the Earth’s climate and the national security challenges and opportunities facing the United States of America.

September 5, 2024 | 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM

On the Campus of Salve Regina University


The Honorable John Kerry

68th U.S. Secretary of State

U.S. Senator Jack Reed

Rhode Island

U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Rhode Island

The Honorable Carlos Del Toro

U.S. Secretary of the Navy

Thomas Barnett, Ph.D.

Author, America’s New Map

Sherri Goodman

Author, Threat Multiplier