July 21, 2018: Jay Bookman

American politics seemed sufficiently combustible even before the images and stories of immigrant children being separated from their parents pushed our temperature even higher. Jay Bookman argues the super-heated politics of 2018 are a reflection of the death of the GOP as a moderate, governing party.

July 28, 2018: Caroline Orr

According to the Director of National Intelligence, Russia attacked American democracy in 2016, and the attacks continue to this day. The information the intelligence community used to draw that conclusion is classified—but guest, Caroline Orr uses an incredible array of open-source information and data analytics to produce a sophisticated understanding of the political warfare targeting the United States.

August 4, 2018: Gary Varvel

Editorial cartoonists use illustration to offer a different perspective on the news and in doing so they challenge us to think in new ways. Gary Varvel brings a conservative perspective to his cartoons for the IndyStar.

July 14, 2018: Gregg Easterbrook

The conventional wisdom—the story that dominates public life—is that the world is falling apart. Literally, our infrastructure is crumbling. Our politics are devolving. Sea levels are rising. Gregg Easterbrook reminds us, however, that the reality of human experience is not that bleak and that there is opportunity in tackling the great issues we face.